Canal Ético

Ethical Channel of Grupo Alonso companies. 2024

    Ethics, transparency and honesty are the values that lead the Grupo Alonso Code of Ethics. Some values that integrate the culture and thinking of the people who are part of Grupo Alonso and that are reflected in its Code of Ethics. Beyond the strictly personal sphere, they are values that are manifested outwardly. In this sense, they are reflected in a strict commitment to regulatory compliance. For this reason, Grupo Alonso has decided to adopt a criminal risk management system or Criminal Compliance Program that translates into a commitment and social responsibility with the proper functioning of public and private institutions, while preserving and protecting assets. most valuable asset of a company: its reputation for integrity and honesty.

    All the people who make up the Alonso Group companies must participate in the correct and ethical functioning of Grupo Alonso companies in their day-to-day activities, through their good work and professionalism, preventing any irregularity from occurring. If for some reason an incident ends up materializing, it must be resolved as soon as possible. For this reason, the Ethical Channel has been launched as an instrument available to any worker or person who is related to Grupo Alonso companies, to report any anomaly or illegality.

    Report an incident

    If you are a worker of any of the Grupo Alonso companies, remember that you can find the same form through the internal communication application that will allow you to report the incident comfortably.

How does the Ethics Channel work?

Preferred communication mechanism

The Ethics Channel is the preferred channel for reporting any infraction or omission committed within Grupo Alonso companies. To use it, you only must complete the form enabled on this page or through the internal communication application, explaining the details of the incident and providing, if applicable, the documentation that you have to justify the irregularity and those responsible.

Información adicional

Anonymous and confidential

If you wish, you can submit the communication completely anonymously. In the form you can expressly indicate whether you wish to indicate your contact information or whether you wish to keep your identity anonymous. In any case, the identity of the informant and the data provided to us will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

You can also indicate the email, telephone, alternative address and, if applicable, time, when you prefer that we contact you to guarantee maximum discretion and protection.

Personal data protection

Your data will be collected and processed in accordance with personal data protection legislation and, in particular, in accordance with Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, with the purpose of investigating the reported events.

Protection against retaliation

Your collaboration is important for Grupo Alonso. Informants, people who collaborate in an investigation and even people linked to the informant may not suffer any negative consequences or retaliation.

If you believe that you may suffer retaliation as a result of communicating the facts, we inform you that you can report the facts through the external communication channel of the Independent Whistleblower Protection Authority or similar body of your autonomous community. You can check the list here.

Monitoring of communication by experts

Once the incident communication has been presented, it will be received by an expert in charge of its initial assessment and, where appropriate, it will be sent to the Alonso Group Ethics Committee - Responsible for the internal information system - or responsible person so that they can proceed to investigate the facts or solve the problem.

Canal Ético

Have you reported an incident and want to contact us?

Follow up of a communication

Know our values


in our work, with our clients, partners, workers, society and the environment.


constant effort of the entire team to achieve the defined objectives and continue innovating.


in everything we do, with involvement and pride of belonging to obtain the best result.


professional and human during the process and in the final result of our work.


for our ability to adapt to new challenges, open to new markets and promote development. The freedom to fail is what gives us the courage to seek the greatest rewards.


inside and outside our Group. We generate movement in our environment and promote evolution. We move with the objective of improving ourselves and seeking excellence, but with the simplicity of direct, close and professional treatment with our clients and our human team.

Respect, equal treatment and non-discrimination

with our workers and collaborators. Grupo Alonso believes in a healthy work environment in which merit and capacity are enhanced, but also the human value of people.

Code of Ethics and Manual of Conduct
Canal Ético

Read our Policy of Compliance Criminal and relating to the internal system of information

General Policy on Penal Compliance